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Routine Requirements

Person walking their Multigen Australian Labradoodle
Person walking their Australian Labradoodle dog and puppy


Your Australian Labradoodle needs exercise for their physical health and mental well-being. Each dog has different exercise needs, but Labradoodles generally need an hour of physical activity every day. Good options include running, playing a good game of fetch, taking a long walk, or jogging or biking with your dog.


Exercise is paramount for your dog’s health, and is good for the human-dog bond too. If your dog has any pre-existing health issues, discuss your dog’s exercise regimen with your vet. Talk to the vet about what type of physical activity is appropriate at your dog’s age and joint condition. Some exercises can actually harm developing joints.


When exercising your dog, remember:


If your dog is still growing, do not take him or her for long walks, and definitely do not take him or her with you for a run. Developing joints can be harmed by repetitive motion on hard surfaces.


Avoid exercising in extreme heat. If you plan to take water along for you, remember that your dog will need water, too. If your dog seems tired, discontinue what you are doing and allow him or her to rest.

Australian Labradoodle Vaccine schedule
Annual Vaccinations


Vaccines are a vital part of your dog’s veterinary care routine, but figuring out which ones they need—and when they need them—can get confusing. And when you add
in core vs. noncore vaccines (mandatory shots vs. those recommended by your vet), it can get even more complicated.


We vaccinate for both the core and non-core vaccines listed. That said, we never give more than one vaccine at a time. Please speak to your veterinarian about vaccination protocols and their recommendations.

Australian Labradoodle Flea and tick care
Deworming, Flea & Tick Prevention


Ticks have become a HUGE problem in many parts of the country, ESPECIALLY in south-eastern Ontario where Teddybear Labradoodles calls home. Personally, I like to
minimize medication use overall, but you just can’t mess around with ticks. They are impossible to see in long ALD coats, and one bite with a Lyme diseased tic can cause
your dog an enormous amount of health challenges… its just not worth the risk. As a pet parent we, alongside our vets, need to ensure we are keeping our fur babies as safe
and healthy as possible. We use an oral tick medication (Bravecto) as well as an oral worming medication (Interceptor Plus & Strongid). Again, speak with your vet about all deworming and tick preventative options that make sense for you. See the chart above for information about different Flea and Tick Preventatives on the market.

Training & Socialization. 

Authentic Multigenerational Australian Labradoodle puppies raised with Puppy Culture method
Socialization and training starts from a very young age. We utilize the Puppy Culture Rearing Method.


We keep our puppies with the litter and their mom until 8 weeks of age. This ensures proper socialization, good temperament, and keeps the puppy feeling safe through
critical fear periods. 
At 5 weeks of age, they are introduced to a clicker. With the clicker, we can introduce them to other things such as potty training, crate training, leash walking, and sitting for
attention. By 8 weeks of age, we like the puppies to be napping in their own crates, using the bathroom outside, walking nicely on a leash with both a harness and a nylon
collar, be comfortable standing on the grooming table while being groomed, and they should be able to sit for attention/treats. Our puppies learn to potty outside every 1-3
hours from the time they start eating solid foods.  Puppies are exposed to a multitude of different sights, sounds, and smells.  Our goal is to send you home a well-rounded and
confident puppy with an eager to please attitude.



What is socialization & why is it so important? 

Socialization involves exposing your puppy to new sights, sounds, smells, people, and animals and teaching your puppy that the world is a safe place. Puppies form most of their lifelong habits from birth to one year of age. The most critical socialization period is from three weeks to three months. For that reason, it’s a good idea to choose a breeder who has already started the socialization process, which gives you the opportunity to build on a solid foundation. Never acquire a puppy younger than 8 weeks old. When you remove puppies from the litter too soon, they miss important lessons from their mother and littermates.


How do I get started with socialization?

After bringing your puppy home, you can start the socialization process in a slow and controlled manner. Invite people and dogs to your home and regularly visit other
households. Take your puppy on short car rides to fun places. Allow your puppy to investigate new objects, like umbrellas, bags, boxes, and vacuum cleaners. Don’t forget
to expose your puppy to new sounds like traffic, thunderstorms, and crying babies.


The next steps in socialization

Once your puppy has been vaccinated, you can start walking around the neighborhood to meet friendly strangers and dogs. At this point, you can start introducing your puppy
to larger groups at outdoor shopping centers, dog-friendly restaurants, and parks. Let your puppy meet people of different ages, races, and genders. By 4 months of age, your
puppy should be comfortable meeting a variety of strangers and other dogs and be accustomed to being handled by your veterinarian and groomer.


Starting puppy kindergarten class

If there is a puppy kindergarten class if your area, it would be a good idea to enroll. These classes are specifically structured to give your puppy positive experiences. You
will have the opportunity to teach your puppy basic manners, prevent problem behaviors, and build confidence . Reward-based training works best for Labradoodle
puppies and teaches them to enjoy learning. (See our Favourite products page to view training courses and books we recommend).


What to do if your Australian Labradoodle puppy shows fear

Just like people, puppies are born with different personalities. Some are bold from day one, while others can show some shyness. With socialization, naturally shy puppies can become more confident. Puppies should be praised for showing confidence, but never scolded for showing fear. While you shouldn’t coddle your puppy for showing fear, you also shouldn’t force your puppy to stay in an uncomfortable situation. Introduce new things at a pace that suits your puppy so that the experience is always positive.

Training and socializing your dog is a lifetime commitment! Although it may be challenging at times, I guarantee it is a fun and rewarding experience that you share with your furry friend.

Authentic Multigenerational Australian Labradoodle puppies raised with Puppy Culture method

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WALA Logo Teddybear Labradoodles, Registered Australian Labradoodles
Accredited Star Logo Teddybear Labradoodles, Registered Australian Labradoodles
Orthopaedic Foundation for Animals  health tested Asustralian Labradoodles
Paw Print genetically tested Australian Labradoodles
Authentic Multigenerational Australian Labradoodles reared with the Puppy Culture Method



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